
In Ayurveda Institute, there are also opportunities for inspiration and enrichment to your life. It contributes to more happiness in our lives.

An overview of all scheduled workouts, workshops etc. can be found in the agenda.

Introduction to Ayurvedic Massage

Take a look into the world of Ayurveda and massage with this unique workshop that covers the most famous forms of Ayurvedic massage. Do you want to learn more after this workshop? Then follow our training!

Ayurvedic head massage workshop

Our head is the most essential part of our body from which our entire system such as central nervous system and senses is regulated. A massage ensures that we become aware of our own feelings in body and mind again. Paying attention to the scalp and hair are additional aspects that are part of good self-care. The Ayurvedic head massage (also called: Indian head massage or chiampi) is distinguished by its techniques and use of specific oils. In this workshop you will practice on each other. In addition to the head, we also pay attention to the neck shoulder area and the face.

Ayurvedic cooking workshop

Cooking in balance with the elements of nature. A fun workshop where fun comes first. The event will be held at our location in Winschoten.

Workshop Ayurvedic foot reflexology

Are you already familiar with foot massages or foot reflexology? Then an Ayurvedic integration can be a nice addition. It gives another dimension to what you once learned. In this workshop we practice on each other and you will also receive an extensive workbook in which you can read everything.