Stress / Burnout

Everybody makes situations with which the adrenaline rises in a short time. Stress can help us in a positive way to reach our goal. However, the stress is detrimental when our nervous system continues to be continuously stimulated by constant pressure, which we continue to stand in the fight / flight.

Symptoms of stress

The most common symptoms of stress are constant (over) stress and exhaustion. It can start after waking. With a lack of energy you dive right back into personal and professional achievements. Thereby creates a possible irregularity in your food- and lifestyle: eating binges or skipping meals, a lack of concentration, mood swings resulting in an inability to recover fully formed again. The first signs are mental and physical exhaustion. The signals are more or less systematically ignored by most who have to deal with. The body continues to energy reserves are. Neglecting or ignoring these signals ultimately result in deterioration of the immune system and circulatory system of the body. Despite a temporary resting point someone will sometimes afterwards weak, prikkelbaar, confused and lethargic feeling. When someone is exposed to prolonged stress and eventually not recover his / her energy, this may result in a burnout.

Ayurvedische visie op stress / burnout

According to Ayurveda, the digestive fire (Agni) the component that gives the body energy. “Burnout” or stress is a condition where agni goes slowly and eventually resulting in a shortage of energy in the body and mind which symptoms occur as fatigue. Although stress and burnout modern concepts, Ayurveda, the ancient phenomenon very well.

Symptoms of stress / burnout are:

  • Nervousness
  • Weakness
  • Dryness and roughness of the tissues
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Palpitations
  • Pressure or pain in the chest
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vibrate
  • Chills
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of interest
  • Depression

Treatment of stress / burn-out in de Ayurveda

Ayurveda describes treatments and tips to address symptoms of stress in a natural way. Ayurvedic treatments are applied specifically to the unique individual. They are therefore adjusted based on the thinking, health, lifestyle and symptoms. The treatments have no side effect and completely natural.

  1. Massages Special herbal oils done by a professional therapist help in relaxing the muscles and joints. Hoofdbegieting with herbal oil (Shirodhara) is an important tool to use.
  2. Individual lifestyle- and nutritional given by a practitioner of Ayurvedic physician help build your physical strength. The specific herbs are determined by the physical and mental state. Here, we look at the overall picture of the patient, and not only the symptoms are treated, but also looks at sustainable solutions related stress for the patient. This means that there are also other structure is built into a person's lifestyle.
  3. Mental health: Yoga and meditation are prescribed to cure the patient both mentally and spiritually. Integrating yoga and meditation as a daily routine helps you to get better with high pressure and stress to go. It thus increases both your physical and mental vitality and resilience.

Ayurveda provides no passive healing process whereby a pill or massage will cure all your problems. She works on the principle of growth in personal consciousness, where we have to go to know who we are to do it yourself. Stress is caused mainly because we want to meet the needs and expectations of others to make yourself happy instead of. We let others define our lives and flee in perfectionistic behavior away.
Adequate physical and mental treatment therapies help in Ayurveda both in body and mind energy to flow freely again so that someone can come into contact with itself again. They contribute to this ultimate solution to a, by re-establish the connection with your true self so that you can go to a new and healthy direction.

Franca Ficchi (Ayurvedic Practitioner®)